Whistleblower Policy

Integrity is one of Singtel’s core values and the company is committed to high standards of corporate governance and accountability in its affairs.

Code of Conduct

Singtel has a Code of Conduct that applies to all its employees. It sets out principles to guide employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities when dealing with Singtel, its competitors, customers, suppliers and the community. The Code of Conduct covers areas such as fraud, business and workplace behavior, protection of Singtel assets, proprietary information and intellectual property, confidentiality, conflict of interest, and non-solicitation of customers and employees.

Singtel employees also have to comply with applicable laws of the country, government regulations and legal requirements.

Breaches of this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or dismissal.

Zero tolerance towards fraud

Singtel adopts a “zero tolerance” approach to fraud, corruption and other forms of unethical behavior or conduct. Apart from the Code of Conduct, it has put in place a Whistleblower hotline for its customers, suppliers, business partners and employees to report any such suspected instances.

Investigations of suspected fraud, corruption or unethical conduct will be carried out in an objective manner, regardless of the employee’s length of service, position, or relationship to the Company. If the matter is substantiated, it will be referred to the Police or other law enforcement agencies, as deemed appropriate.

Where Singtel considers an employee has engaged in fraud and other forms of unethical behavior or conduct following an investigation, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken, up to and including termination of employment.

Singtel recognises there will be times when a person makes a report in good faith which later proves to be unsubstantiated. However, it will take action against those who intentionally or maliciously give false or misleading information against someone else.

Making a Report

Incidents of actual or suspected fraud, corruption or other forms of unethical conduct should be promptly reported to the independent whistleblower hotline operated by an external service provider Deloitte at Tel: +8000 9447853 or report at https://tipoffs.asia/deloittewhistleblowerhotline/.

Further details on how to Contact the Whistleblower Hotline, including the details of the service used in Australia, are attached below.

Whistleblower hotlines.pdf


To the extent that it is lawful and the investigative process allows, all reports received, including the identity of the reporting party, will be handled in strict confidence. A reporting party may be requested to make a statement to the relevant law enforcement authority(ies) or otherwise give evidence to the extent required by law or order of a court.