Financial Summary

  • Income Statement (S$ million)

    Financial Year ended March    
      2022(1) 2021(1) 2020(1) 2019 2018
    Operating Revenue 15,339 15,644 16,542 17,372 17,268
    EBITDA 3,767 3,832 4,541 4,692 5,051
    EBIT (before associates) 1,045 1,147 1,961 2,470 2,801
    Share of associates' pre-tax profits(2) 2,136 1,798 1,743 1,536 2,461
    EBITDA and associates' pre-tax profits(2) 5,903 5,630 6,284 6,228 7,511
    Underlying net profit(3) 1,923 1,733 2,457 2,825 3,593
    Net profit 1,949 554 1,075 3,095 5,473
    Exchange rate (A$ against S$)(4) 0.997 0.981 0.935 0.990 1.049
  • Cash Flow (S$ million)
    Financial Year ended March    
      2022(1) 2021(1) 2020(1) 2019 2018
    Free cash flow(5) 3,081 3,395 3,781 3,650 3,606
      Optus 767 780 1,285 1,006 989
      Optus (A$ million) 776 778 1,396 1,028 947
      Singtel and other subsidiaries 858 1,324 1,202 1,242 1,126
      Associates' dividends (net of withholding tax) 1,456 1,290 1,294 1,402 1,492
    Cash capital expenditure 2,217 2,214 2,037 1,718 2,349
  • Balance Sheet (S$ million)

    Financial Year ended March    
      2022(1) 2021(1) 2020(1) 2019 2018
    Total assets 49,131 47,998 48,955 48,915 48,496
    Shareholders' funds 27,112 26,486 26,789 29,838 29,737
    Perpetual securities 1,013 - - - -
    Total equity 28,109 26,511 26,814 29,810 29,712
    Net debt 10,080 12,365 12,499 9,883 9,877
  • Key Ratios
    Financial Year ended March    
      2022(1) 2021(1) 2020(1) 2019 2018
    Proportionate EBITDA from outside Singapore (%) 81 78 79 76 76
    Return on invested capital (%)(6) 5.4 5.0 6.4 7.7 9.6
    Return on equity (%) 7.3 2.1 3.8 10.4 18.9
    Return on total assets (%) 4.0 1.2 2.1 6.3 11.2
    Net debt to EBITDA and share of associates' pre-tax profits (number of times) 1.7 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.3
    EBITDA and share of associates' pre-tax profits to net interest expense (number of times) 14.8 14.3 13.8 16.2 20.1
  • Per Share Information (cents)
    Financial Year ended March    
      2022(1) 2021(1) 2020(1) 2019 2018
    Earnings per share - underlying net profit 11.65 10.59 15.05 17.31 22.01
    Earnings per share - basic 11.80 3.38 6.58 18.96 33.53
    Net assets per share 170 160 164 183 182
    Dividend per share - ordinary 9.30 7.50 12.25 17.50 17.50
    Dividends per share - special - - - - 3.0



(1) Included the effects from adoption of SFRS(I) 16, Leases, from 1 April 2019 on a prospective basis.

(2) Excluded the Group’s share of the associates’ significant one-off items which have been classified as exceptional items of the Group.

(3) Underlying net profit is defined as net profit before exceptional items.(4) Average A$ rate for translation of Optus’ operating revenue.

(5) Free cash flow refers to cash flow from operating activities, inc luding dividends from associates, less cash capital expenditure.

(6) Return on invested capital is defined as EBIT (post-tax) divided by average capital.