30 Oct 2013

News Release

450 children treated to exclusive Singtel carnival

  • Community

Special event hosted by Singtel staff volunteers for Singtel Touching Lives Fund beneficiaries

Singapore, 30 October 2013 – Today, 450 children from the Singtel Touching Lives Fund (STLF) beneficiaries were treated to an exclusive carnival at the Marina Barrage organised just for them by Singtel staff volunteers. 

The children were entertained by magic shows, song and dance performances and had their pick of food and games stalls, all specially created and run by 600 Singtel volunteers.

The carnival games were designed by the volunteers to not only be fun, but also take into account the special needs of the children. The games ranged from traditional ones like “ring toss” and “knock down cans” to ones that help develop the children’s abilities across various domains such as “hearing and speaking” and “vision and attention”.

Mr Andrew Buay, VP, Group CSR said: “The carnival is a great way for us to kick off the year-end festivities for the children. It appeals to the child in all of us and is a good opportunity for our colleagues to get to know the children better!”  

The carnival is an example of Singtel’s VolunTeaming programme, which combines corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives with team building activities that enable staff to interact with the beneficiaries that Singtel supports.

“At Singtel, CSR goes beyond providing financial assistance. It is equally important to cultivate a strong spirit of volunteerism among our employees to foster a meaningful bond with the communities we operate in,” added Mr Buay. 

Introduced in 2002, the STLF is Singtel’s philanthropy programme dedicated to helping children and youth with special needs in Singapore. To date, the fund has raised over S$24 million for over 24 beneficiaries. 

The six beneficiaries STLF supports in 2013 are ASPN Chaoyang School, APSN Tanglin School, Cerebral Palsy Association School Singapore, Eden School, MINDS Lee Kong Chian Gardens School, and Singapore Cancer Society. 



Beneficiaries of Singtel Touching Lives Fund 2013

APSN Chao Yang School

The School provides special education for children with mild intellectual disability and autism, aged 7-12 years. The aim of the school programme is to provide education and training to enable the children to have the necessary skills, attitude and personality to lead normal, independent lives in adulthood.

Website: http://www.apsn.org.sg/chaoyang-school/about-us/


APSN Tanglin School 

The APSN Tanglin School provides special education for children with mild intellectual disability, aged 13-16 years. The special education programme aims to enable children to have the necessary skills, attitude and personality to lead normal and independent lives in adulthood.

Website: http://www.apsn.org.sg/tanglin-school/about-us/


Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) School

The CPAS School serves students aged 7-18 years, diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Due to their condition, students often require specialised and intensive rehabilitation through therapy intervention. CPAS School provides individual or group therapy sessions with speech therapists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.

Website: http://www.spastic.org.sg


Eden School

Eden School provides education and training to help children with moderate to severe autism aged 6 to 18 years old to acquire the necessary skills, attitude and personality to lead normal independent lives in adulthood. 

Website: http://www.edenschool.edu.sg


MINDS Lee Kong Chian Gardens School

The MINDS Lee Kong Chian Gardens School provides a basic foundation in independence and employment skills to serve children aged 5 to 18 years with intellectual disabilities. It aims to develop each child to his or her fullest potential with the long-term objective of enhancing the child's prospects of integrating into mainstream society.

Website: http://www.minds.org.sg/LGS/index.html


Singapore Cancer Society (SCS)   

The Singapore Cancer Society is a community-based voluntary health organisation dedicated to minimising the impact of cancer through public education, screening, patient services, financial assistance, research and advocacy. Singtel is the title sponsor of the Race Against Cancer and we pledge S$200,000 to the "SCS Help the Children and Youth" programme, which helps children and youth who are cancer patients or whose parents or siblings have cancer.

Website: www.singaporecancersociety.org.sg