17 May 2010

News Release

Come join Singtel in supporting 1GOAL: Education for all

  • Sustainability
  • Community

Customers can pledge support for campaign until end-July

17 May 2010, Singapore -- Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) today announced its support for 1GOAL, a global initiative to help ensure that every child in the world has the opportunity to attend school by 2015. 

Singtel is pleased to join other global mobile operators, education champions, charities and campaigners to rally public support for 1GOAL.  This global campaign, which is not seeking monetary donation, is appealing for global support for this cause to help achieve Education to End Poverty.

Over the next few weeks, Singtel will send SMSes to its mobile customers, seeking their support by replying ‘YES’.  Singtel will waive the SMS charge for customers who respond to this appeal in Singapore.  Customers can also pledge their support on Singtel’s website at www.singtel.com/1GOAL. 

Ms Aileen Tan, Singtel’s Group Director of Human Resource, said:  “Singtel believes that knowledge is power and education will empower the youth, giving them the valuable tools to transform their lives positively. 

“They will be able to achieve their dreams with education and equal opportunity.  By pledging our support for 1GOAL, we can all help to make education a reality for 72 million children by 2015.” 

Singtel and participating mobile operators worldwide will share the total number of people who pledge their support to the campaign organiser, 1GOAL, by end-July 2010.  1GOAL hopes that the number of supporters will impress upon world leaders that people care about and believe in the value of education.  

The 1GOAL: Education for All mobile campaign was announced by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, Co-Founder and Global Co-Chair of 1GOAL, at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in February this year. 




About 1Goal

72 million children in the world today are denied the chance to go to school and they face a lifelong struggle against poverty.  But education can give people the tools to help themselves.

In 2000, 164 world governments came together to create the Education for All goals. 189 governments also created the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.  Two of the eight goals involve ending poverty through education to ensure that all boys and girls complete primary schooling and that girls have the opportunity for education at all levels – by 2015.

They promised to ensure enough money and that the policies were in place to make it a reality.  Since then, many countries have abolished school fees.  Spending was also increased by US$4 billion and an extra 40 million children are now going to school.  But at this rate, over 50 million children will still be without an education in 2015.

1GOAL hopes to rally everyone’s support and call on world leaders, who have the power, resources and knowledge, to make education a reality for 72 million children by 2015. 


About Singtel

Singtel is Asia's leading communications group providing a portfolio of services including voice and data solutions over fixed, wireless and Internet platforms as well as infocomm technology and pay TV.  It has a network of 37 offices in 20 countries and territories throughout Asia Pacific, Europe and the United States.  Together with its regional partners, Singtel is Asia’s largest multi-market mobile operator, serving more than 293 million mobile customers in eight markets.