16 Jan 2015

News Release

HungryGoWhere campaigns for voters in inaugural Eat-lections

  • Digital Lifestyle Services


Singapore, 16 January 2015 – A HungryGoWhere truck made its rounds in popular food haunts such as Maxwell Food Centre and Smith Street today, to garner votes for the inaugural HungryGoWhere Awards: Eat-lections 2015. Campaigners chanted to draw the public’s attention, rallying them to cast their votes for their favourite food and beverage (F&B) establishments. 

Eat-lections 2015 – Singapore’s biggest people’s choice F&B awards, features 26 awards across five categories - restaurants, hawkers, drinks, occasions and an overall best. Foodies can cast their votes online from now till 4 February. The Eat-lections announcement video, which was uploaded on 14 January, has since garnered over 66,000 views in two days. For more information, visit www.hungrygowhere.com/awards.  

Below are pictures from today’s campaign activation.