Singtel offers widest 4G Mobile Coverage and fastest download speeds
Singapore, 5 June 2015 - In view of the IDA’s pilot MyConnection SG study, Singtel recognises this to be an important on-going report that warrants a better understanding of the significance of the findings. Please find herein background to the key considerations of Connectivity, Speed and Coverage.
This refers to the response time to establish a connection to a server i.e. the time taken to connect back and forth with a network, also known as a ping.
For most mobile users who surf the Internet, a difference of milliseconds is not noticeable, especially when connecting to local sites.
Connectivity is significant however for those playing online games usually hosted in overseas sites such as in the US. Milliseconds can and do determine if the gamer wins or loses against a competitor.
In the MyConnection SG report, Singtel registered 50.9 milliseconds and 117.9 milliseconds in 4G and 3G response time respectively
This refers to how fast material (e.g. a video) is downloaded.
Typical speed: MyConnection SG measured the lower, middle and upper limits of the download speed experienced by 80% of data sessions, averaged over 6 months. Looking at the median 50th percentile, Singtel registered the fastest average typical speed for 3G and 4G at 3.1Mbps and 17.4Mbps respectively
Peak speed: MyConnection SG report measured the maximum download speed attained in at least 50% of the days covered in the pilot, averaged over 6 months. Singtel has the fastest peak speed of 38.1mbps and 118.9Mbps for 3G and 4G respectively.
It is important to note however that the average speed experienced per user can be affected by factors such as the number of concurrent users, which in turn influences speed consistency. That is why speed tests at a certain location on different times or days may result in different readings.
Despite having the largest mobile customer base, Singtel has consistently ensured that our mobile users enjoy the fastest speeds. We do so by continuously investing in new technologies that deliver higher speed capabilities such as 4G+ in some 150 buildings including key shopping malls across the country.
Source: “Results from MyConnection SG Pilot (October 2014 – March 2015)” by IDA
Of greater importance to mobile users is coverage. Customers expect to get a continuous and consistent mobile signal wherever they are.
In a separate report from IDA on 4G Mobile Service Coverage for Q1 2015, Singtel had the widest nationwide outdoor 4G service coverage of 99.77%.
Source: “4G Mobile Service Coverage in Q1 2015” by IDA
This result is based on an exhaustive quarterly study by IDA which tests coverage offered by the respective telecom operators while driving through key areas such as the Central Business District, HDB estates and major expressways and roads. IDA has stipulated that all telecom companies must meet a minimum criteria of 99% coverage by July 2016. Singtel has already achieved that as of Q1 of 2015.
With the most mobile customers in Singapore, Singtel has been continuously investing in both outdoor and indoor networks to ensure the widest coverage. We are the only operator with our own premium high-speed Wifi network which enhances the mobile user experience in congested places such as shopping centres and MRT stations.
Wide mobile coverage with consistent speed
Based on the online feedback to this latest study, we note that many subscribers regard factors such as network coverage, call stability, customer service and data connectivity to be more significant than speed to their user experience.
What is uppermost is their ability to enjoy wide mobile coverage with consistent speed.
Such customer feedback and findings are important to Singtel as we identify areas where we can continue to improve our services.