10 Aug 2016

News Release

Singapore leg of Singtel Group's "The 5-Min Video Challenge" to get award-winning panel of judges

  • Community

Singapore, 10 August, 2016 – The five-member judging panel of the Singapore leg of Singtel Group’s “The 5-Min Video Challenge” boasts award-winning Singaporean directors – Cultural Medallion recipient, Mr Eric Khoo, respected filmmaker Mr K. Rajagopal and renowned creative, Mr Brian Gothong Tan, as well as Singtel representatives, Mr Goh Seow Eng, Managing Director of Home and Ms Lian Pek, Vice President of Group Corporate Communications.

“We are very excited to be a part of this group-wide competition and very pleased to enlist some of the best of our home-grown Singaporean filmmakers to help identify quality original content for our customers,” said Mr Yuen Kuan Moon, Singtel’s CEO of Consumer Singapore. “This Challenge is also a perfect complement to our existing content strategy in that it allows us to engage and entertain our customers with made-for-mobile video content that they so enjoy.”  

He added, “To stay relevant to our customers’ changing media consumption habits, we have steadily expanded our suite of OTT content via key partnerships with Netflix, Viu and recently launched video portal app, Cast. Besides these international names, we are looking to enhance our offerings with locally produced content as well, and are always keen to nurture and provide talent with a platform to showcase their creativity.”

The judges are highly supportive of the competition which will provide a much-needed opportunity for filmmakers to hone their craft. 

"I started off making short films. Without them, I doubt I would be directing or producing features now. I look forward to our local storytellers take on connecting lives," said Mr Khoo.

Mr Rajagopal added, “Short filmmaking is a special medium that is very close to my heart as it has set the path for my journey in filmmaking. We employ different kinds of skills from feature filmmaking when making a short film and, personally, it can be more challenging to make a good short film than a feature film.”

The Singapore winner stands to receive S$15,000 and the runner-up, S$10,000. Their submissions will be also be accessible to all Singtel TV and mobile customers via Singtel TV, OTT video portal app Cast, the official Singtel Facebook page as well as Singtel YouTube channel.

Entries will be judged on criteria such as relevance to theme, storytelling, originality, cinematography and quality of production.

Video submissions can be made at www.singtel.com/the5minutevideochallenge from 15 August to 30 September 2016.

Visit www.singtel.com/the5minutevideochallenge for full competition details, submission requirements and terms and conditions.



Submission Requirements

The 5-Min Video Challenge is open to all individuals or teams with a video submission that meets the following criteria:

  • Theme: “Connecting Lives” with a focus on original creativity
  • Genre: Live Action, Animation or Documentary
  • Duration: 5 minutes or less
  • Language: Video can be filmed in local language and/or English, but the video title and synopsis must be in English and the film should include English subtitles.
  • Format:
    • Resolution: minimum 720 x 400 to 1920 x 1080 pixels
    • File Format – mpeg4, avi or mov
    • Audio Format: 48Hz PCM, MP3, AAC with 16-Bit/s or higher
    • Digital Poster – A1 (594 x 841 mm, portrait orientation)

Visit www.singtel.com/The5minVideoChallenge for full competition details, submission requirements and terms and conditions.