05 Mar 2012

News Release

Singtel announces bold organisation structure to sustain growth, competitiveness and innovation into the future

  • Management

Singtel to lead and shape industry by reinventing core business, creating and driving new growth platforms and turbo-charging capabilities in enterprise ICT

Singapore, 5 March 2012 – Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) today announced a new organisation structure to capture emerging opportunities in a new era, as customer usage behaviours and preferences evolve rapidly with the proliferation of new devices, content and technology.

With a scale of over 400 million mobile customers, strong customer relationships and knowledge as well as extensive touch points, Singtel seeks to leverage these unique assets to develop relevant and differentiated services to customers and drive growth in the new era.

The new organisation structure will support the Group’s key objectives of:

-          reinventing Singtel’s core carriage business
-          creating and driving new growth platforms that leverage and strengthen the core
-          turbo-charging Singtel’s regional capabilities in ICT services

Comprising three units, the new structure reflects the Group’s re-alignment of people and resources by customer segments. It will also sustain growth, competitiveness and innovation into the future. The new structure takes effect on 1 April 2012.

Group Consumer, led by Mr Paul O’Sullivan, will focus on setting new benchmarks in customer experience as the leading provider of next-generation communication, infotainment and technology services to consumers and small businesses across Asia Pacific. The unit consolidates all consumer-related functions and includes the Group’s international business in the emerging markets, allowing it to fully leverage the scale of its more than 400 million mobile customers.

Group Digital L!fe, headed by Mr Allen Lew, will lead the Group’s journey to becoming a leading player in the digital ecosystem, beyond connecting voices to bringing people together with innovative and cutting-edge digital services. This unit will complement the Group’s consumer offerings with state-of-the-art digital services through bundles and add-ons. Mr Lew and his team also carry a strong mandate to serve customers and other industry players globally.

Group ICT brings together all enterprise-related business units and will focus on providing ICT solutions to serve the Group’s enterprise customers, offering innovative and comprehensive IT and telecommunications solutions across multiple geographies. Mr Lew will be the covering CEO as the Group searches internally and externally to fill the position.

Ms Chua Sock Koong, Singtel Group CEO, said: “Singtel has a long history of quietly, but successfully, making bold and industry-shaping investments. We now see some of the largest and most exciting opportunities that have ever existed in this industry. The changes to how we organise ourselves are necessary in order to align our people and resources to sharpen our focus and take advantage of these opportunities.”

“At the heart of this new organisation structure is a focus to provide truly relevant and differentiated services to our customers. We have, over the years built up unique assets that will allow us to compete effectively against traditional as well as non-traditional competitors, such as device manufacturers and content owners, for consumer share and spending.” 




CEO Group Digital L!fe (designate)
CEO Group ICT (covering)

Mr Lew, is CEO Group Digital L!fe (designate), responsible for leading the Group’s journey to become a leading player in the digital ecosystem, beyond connecting voices to bringing people together with innovative and cutting-edge digital services. He is also concurrently covering the position of CEO Group ICT.

Mr Lew was appointed CEO Singapore in February 2006 with responsibility for the performance and operations of Singtel's business in Singapore. He began his career with the Singtel Group in November 1980. He has served in various senior management positions, including Chief Operating Officer of Advanced Info Service (AIS) – the Group's associate in Thailand, Chief Operating Officer of Singapore Telecom International Pte Ltd and Managing Director of Optus Consumer.

He is the Chairman of the AIS Executive Committee. Mr Lew is also a Board member of the Sentosa Development Corporation and a member of the Singapore Institute of Technology's Board of Trustees.

Mr Lew holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the University of Western Australia and a Master of Science (Management) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US.


CEO Group Consumer (designate)

Mr O'Sullivan is CEO Group Consumer (designate). He is responsible for setting new benchmarks in customer service as the leading provider of next-generation communication, infotainment and technology services to consumers and small businesses across Asia Pacific.

He was appointed Chief Executive of Optus in September 2004, with responsibilities for all aspects of the performance and operations of Optus.

He also has management responsibilities across the Singtel Group and serves on the Board of Commissioners of Telkomsel, Indonesia. Prior to his current role, Mr O'Sullivan held management positions within Optus including Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director of Optus Mobile. Previously, he also held various international management roles at the Colonial Group and the Royal Dutch Shell Group in Canada, the Middle East, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Mr O'Sullivan is a founding member and Chairman of the Australian Business and Community Network, which partners businesses with schools to improve collaboration between corporate Australia and education leaders.

He has a Bachelor of Arts (Mod) Economics from Trinity College, University of Dublin.



Click here to view new organisation chart.