18 Dec 2017

News Release

Singtel awards S$2.7 million in scholarships and apprenticeships to 72 university and polytechnic students

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Nurtures ICT talent through partnerships with tertiary institutions

Singapore, 18 December 2017 – Singtel has awarded S$2.7 million in scholarships and apprenticeships to 72 university and polytechnic students at its annual scholarship award ceremony. This initiative is part of Singtel's effort to address the ICT industry’s pressing need for highly skilled professionals for the digital economy.

As the ICT industry transforms, the demand for skills is being shaped by emerging trends such as cyber security, data science and the Internet of Things. Singtel’s focus is to partner polytechnics and universities to nurture young talent with digital skills and capabilities, which will support its growth in areas including cyber security, smart cities and data analytics and by extension Singapore’s Smart Nation ambitions. The scholarships and apprenticeships provide students with industry-relevant training as well as employment and progression opportunities.

Ms Aileen Tan, Singtel's Group Chief Human Resources Officer said, “Digital skills are becoming increasingly important as businesses become more digital. While about 12% of our workforce are already working across cyber security, digital marketing and other new growth areas, building a talent pipeline with digital capabilities is Singtel’s top priority to keep up with our increasingly digital world. Since 2015, we have stepped up efforts to attract and groom promising ICT talents at an earlier stage through our cadet scholarship programme with polytechnics. By equipping scholars with practical skills for the digital economy, we will also be able to help Singapore build a strong talent pool fit for the future.”

Singtel has awarded more than 200 scholarships and apprenticeships to date through initiatives including the Singtel Cadet Scholarship, Singtel Undergraduate Scholarship and Singtel Apprenticeship programmes. The Singtel Cadet Scholarship Programme offers diploma scholarships to develop young talent in the areas of engineering, cyber security and customer experience. The Singtel Undergraduate Scholarship Programme grows and develops future business leaders across Singtel and its associates in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. Singtel also partners the Singapore Institute of Technology for Singtel Apprenticeship to offer work-study programmes aimed at nurturing ICT and cyber security talents.

Besides this, Singtel works with the Info-communications Media Development Authority to prepare fresh graduates and mid-career professionals for cyber security roles through the Cyber Security Associates and Technologists programme. It also trains new undergraduate to postdoctoral level cyber security professionals at the NUS-Singtel Cyber Security Research and Development Laboratory.
