19 Apr 2013

News Release

Singtel to boost fibre adoption and speeds in Singapore

  • Connectivity

Sees fibre as future of home communications and entertainment

Singapore, 19 April 2013 - Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) today announced its plans to boost the adoption and speeds of fibre-based services in Singapore, in support of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore’s (IDA) iN2015 vision.

Singtel will commit its resources to delivering cutting-edge services over fibre, as well as developing next-generation fibre-based applications.

Ms Chan Yim Leng, Singtel's Vice President of Consumer Products, said: “Fibre is the future of communications and entertainment in the home.  Its high-speed capabilities enable the convergence of broadband, voice, video, TV and multimedia services.  We are encouraging customers to make the switch to fibre to enjoy not just ultra-high speeds, but also new experiences through innovative services and applications.”

“For example, applications such as telemedicine, remote home security and interactive online education could soon be a reality with the fibre-enabled intelligent home,” she said.

Singtel will cease deploying copper to new residential buildings that obtain Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) status from 1 December 2013 and will serve customers in these buildings using fibre-based services.  This will help to improve and drive adoption of high speed next-generation fibre-based services and applications in Singapore.

To facilitate the transition, Singtel will offer a range of exclusive plans to existing customers of copper-based services, who are moving into these new fibre-only residential buildings.  These plans aim to ensure that the majority of these customers will be able to experience the benefits of high-speed fibre services without paying more for their broadband and voice subscriptions:  

  1. Existing Singtel ADSL broadband customers will be offered exclusive 2-year fibre broadband plans at preferential rates.
  2. Analogue fixed voice line customers will be offered Singtel’s Digital Home Line service at the same monthly subscription.  With unlimited free local calls, Digital Home Line users will enjoy cost savings.
  3. For even more cost savings, customers can subscribe to attractive bundles that include broadband, mio TV and Digital Home Line.
  4. Customers of copper-based mio TV can also enjoy promotional rates for mio TV on fibre.

Customers who prefer not to take up the preferential plans will be released from their existing contract without incurring early termination charges. (Details will be announced in September)

Ms Chan said: “Singtel seeks to make it easier for customers to make the transition from copper to fibre-based services. We are confident that our customers will find our fibre plans compelling - in particular, our broadband, TV and voice bundles. By working closely with property developers, building owners and the authorities we aim to ensure a smooth transition.”

For details and updates, please visit our website  www.singtel.com/NextGenHomes

More details and a list of fibre-only residential buildings will be available soon. Other residential buildings that obtain TOP status before 1 December 2013 will not be affected. Singtel will continue to deploy copper to these buildings.