06 Jan 2015

News Release

Singtel first to offer diploma scholarships in support of SkillsFuture

  • Community

Partners Singapore Polytechnic & Republic Polytechnic to nurture young talent 

Singapore, 6 January 2015 – Singtel today introduced a diploma scholarship programme in support of SkillsFuture, a national initiative that will help Singapore through its next phase of growth with an integrated system of education, training and career progression for all Singaporeans. 

The first corporate programme of its kind, the Singtel Cadet Scholarship Programme, is fully aligned with SkillsFuture’s objectives. The new programme exemplifies the importance of having industry partners and employers on board the journey to help individuals advance based on skills. 

Jointly developed with Singapore Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic, the Singtel Cadet Scholarship Programme focuses on nurturing young talent, in the areas of Engineering, Cyber Security and Customer Experience (refer to Annex 1 for details). The scholarships, which start in 2015, are worth over S$2 million a year in total and provide students with industry-relevant training, as well as employment and progression opportunities. 

Mr Bill Chang, Singtel’s Country Chief Officer, Singapore, said: “We are championing SkillsFuture with our Singtel Cadet Scholarship Programme. Through our scholarships, we can help polytechnic students acquire relevant skills and develop them in critical roles within Singtel and across the broader industry. Our partnership with the educational institutions will help the nation build a strong talent pool in the ICT sector and enhance customers’ experience.” 

This is the first time that Singtel is offering diploma scholarships, with a total of 90 scholarships available each year to top students across the three programmes in the two polytechnics. Scholars will serve a one-year bond with Singtel upon joining the company. In addition, Singtel is working with Singapore Polytechnic to refine its Diploma in Computer Engineering programme by including industry best practices and knowledge, to better equip students with the necessary engineering skills. 

In summary, Singtel cadets will be offered exciting career paths that include:

  • Scholarships and internships while undertaking their diploma course;
  • Secured technical or customer experience management roles and developmental opportunities upon graduation, such as Place-and-Train and structured On-the-Job-Training, which may lead to additional certification;
  • Overseas assignments, degree sponsorships in related fields and subsequent progression opportunities for high-performing cadets. 

Mr Tan Choon Shian, Singapore Polytechnic’s Principal and Chief Executive Officer, said: “This is SP’s most significant collaboration with Singtel, and we welcome the opportunity to help train our students and align better with the industry. Students from the Diploma in Computer Engineering and Diploma in Infocomm Security Management will benefit tremendously from the deep skills and knowledge they will acquire in the journey. In the long run, they will be able to stay relevant in the workforce and contribute meaningfully to Singapore’s future.” 

Mr Yeo Li Pheow, Republic Polytechnic’s Principal/Chief Executive Officer, said: “We greatly value this partnership with Singtel, which underscores our close working relationship since 2012. Republic Polytechnic fosters close industry engagements to ensure relevant curriculum and skills-based training for our students. The Singtel Customer Experience Cadet Programme offers a structured career pathway that gives our students the opportunity to be trained as customer experience professionals in a leading telecommunications company.”

Memorandum of Understanding with Singapore Workforce Development Agency 

Singtel also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), with the intention to collaborate on building a pipeline of skilled professionals including ICT professionals and customer service professionals through Place-and-Train programmes and On-the-Job Training targeted at fresh graduates from the polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education. 

Mr Ng Cher Pong, Chief Executive of WDA said: “Singtel’s Cadet Programme is exemplary of an organisation that takes ownership of skills development, as well as promotes career progression based on skills and mastery. Through this memorandum of understanding, WDA seeks to work closely with Singtel to develop Place-and-Train programmes to help fresh polytechnic and ITE graduates continue to deepen their skills through structured learning opportunities and to advance in their careers through placements into relevant job roles, which are aligned to the National Infocomm Competency Framework and consistent with SkillsFuture’s objectives.” 








Engineering Cadet Programme

Cyber Security Cadet Programme

Customer Experience Cadet Programme


School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

School of Digital Media and Infocomm Technology

School of Hospitality

Scholarships on offer





Diploma in Computer Engineering (DCPE)

Diploma in InfoComm Security Management (DISM)

Diploma in Customer Relationship & Service Management (DCRSM)

Profile of students

Current Year 1 DCPE students

Current Year 1 & 2 DISM students

Final Year DCRSM students

Scholarship Model

  • Up to 2 years of Diploma studies sponsored
  • Bonded to Singtel for 1 year
  • Living allowances at $550/ month
  • One-time laptop allowance of $1,500
  • Internships with Singtel
  • Place-and-Train and On-the-Job Training to achieve additional certifications
  • Option to take on Part-Time or Full-Time University scholarship once employed, subject to performance.

Singtel Business Units that will hire the graduates

  • IP Engineering
  • Fixed Network Engineering
  • Mobile Core Engineering
  • IPTV Engineering
  • Next Generation Value Added Services
  • Security


  • Product Management
  • Engineering & Innovation
  • Technology Services
  • Managed Security Services
  • Technical Pre-Sales
  • Professional Services
  • Singapore Contact Centre
  • Field Delivery Operations
  • Support Services
  • Customer Support
  • Client Business
  • Customer Solutions
  • Customer Management


Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education and Ms Chua Sock Koong, Singtel Group CEO witness the signing of the MOU for the Singtel Cadet Programme



Mr Yeo Li Pheow, Principal/CEO of Republic Polytechnic; Mr Tan Choon Shian, Principal and CEO of Singapore Polytechnic; Mr Yuen Kuan Moon, CEO Consumer Singapore of Singtel; Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education; Ms Chua Sock Koong, Group CEO of Singtel; Mr Tay Soo Meng, Group Chief Technology Officer of Singtel; Mr Ng Cher Pong, Chief Executive of Singapore Workforce Development Agency; and Mr Bill Chang, Country Chief Officer Singapore of Singtel at today’s MOU signing ceremony for the Singtel Cadet Programme


Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education checks out one of Singapore Polytechnic’s students mobile app at the launch of the Singtel Cadet Scholarship Programme