11 Apr 2023

News Release

Singtel is world’s sixth strongest telecoms brand

  • Branding
  • Group
  • Awards

Moves up three places in Brand Finance’s annual Telecoms 150 list

Singapore, 11 April 2023 – Singtel has been named the world’s sixth strongest telecoms brand in Brand Finance's Telecoms 150 list, which ranks the most valuable and strongest telecoms brands globally. Singtel has been Singapore’s top telecoms brand since 2010, when the list was first launched.

The placing crowns a year of significant achievements for Singtel, seeing it move up three spots globally from ninth position last year with an improved score of 88.3 out of 100, while retaining its Triple A rating from last year. Brand Finance attributes Singtel’s stronger brand equity to its fast and robust 5G network, consistent customer experience via its website and apps, and value for money products and services for both consumers and enterprises. Singtel also scored well for familiarity of its brand and brand recall. These efforts have enabled Singtel to retain its customer base and cement its position as a leading player in the global telecoms industry.

Mr Alex Haigh, Brand Finance’s Managing Director for Asia Pacific, said, “Singtel has strengthened its brand leadership significantly in the past year. Its commitment to 5G, consistent customer service and coverage of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, has seen it climb the ranks within the global top ten telecoms brands. What is particularly noteworthy – the improved perceptions of Singtel’s 5G capabilities and coverage, good digital offerings, and greater recall of its branding and promotional activities.”

"It’s very encouraging to be roundly recognised for values that really matter to us as a brand – the quality of our 5G leadership, value for money products and services, strong brand and ad recall and high familiarity scores."

Lian Pek,
VP of Group Strategic Communications and Brand

Ms Lian Pek, Singtel’s Vice President of Group Strategic Communications and Brand, said, “It’s very encouraging to be roundly recognised for values that really matter to us as a brand – the quality of our 5G leadership, value for money products and services, strong brand and ad recall and high familiarity scores. The goal has always been to empower our customers with the best-in-class technology and services. As the digital landscape and customer expectations keep changing, we will continue to invest and innovate to deliver on our value proposition of creating the best digital experiences that our network and services are capable of.”

In July last year, Singtel completed the nationwide rollout of its 5G Standalone network three years ahead of time, scoring a global first for Singapore as the country with full 5G Standalone coverage. Singtel’s 5G network was also rated the fastest network in Singapore by Ookla in 2022[1]. According to the Infocomm Media Development Authority’s latest report on customer handling, Singtel had the lowest complaint rate for its mobile services among network operators, as well as the lowest complaint rate for fixed broadband services in December 2022[2].

In brand value terms, Singtel also grew, climbing up three spots from 40th in 2022 to become the world’s 37th most valuable telecoms brand. Brand Finance said this is due to resilient mobile service revenue, the brand’s improved brand strength index and favorable economic factors, such as the lower cost of capital in Singapore.

For more information on Singtel and its services, please visit www.singtel.com.

Brand Finance, a leading brand valuation consultancy, publishes the Telecoms 150 report annually. It determines the relative strength and value of telecoms operator brands through a balanced scorecard of metrics evaluating marketing investment, stakeholder equity and business performance. Brand Finance’s assessment of stakeholder equity incorporates original market research data from over 150,000 respondents in more than 38 countries and across nearly 31 sectors. For more information on the Brand Finance Telecoms 150, please visit https://brandirectory.com/rankings/telecoms/


[1] Ookla Speedtest Awards Q1-Q4 2022

[2] Infocomm Media Development Authority’s Statistics on Telecom Service Providers’ Handling of Customer Feedback