27 Feb 2023

News Release

Singtel joins global telco leaders in launching GSMA Open Gateway framework

  • 5G
  • Connectivity

The interoperable and federated framework will accelerate innovation in fintech, smart mobility and Web3

Singapore, 27 February 2023 – Singtel announced today the launch of the GSMA Open Gateway framework, an interoperable and federated network with open standard application programming interfaces (APIs) that will accelerate the development and growth of services in areas such as fintech, identity, smart mobility, gaming and Web3.

Singtel is the first Southeast Asian mobile network operator to be part of this pioneer group of 21 leading global telcos, led by GSMA, developing this global framework. Unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the framework will standardise access to network capabilities for developers and hyperscalers through Singtel’s Paragon platform, the industry’s first all-in-one 5G, multi-access edge computing (MEC) and cloud orchestration platform, and enable seamless universal connectivity to new and existing telco services and immersive technologies.

"Emerging technologies such as Web3, metaverse and 3D communications have great potential for consumers and enterprises. But to catalyse innovation, we need to ensure that every player in the ecosystem – from mobile network operators and hyperscalers to individual developers – can access services and capabilities, and collaborate across a common framework of industry standards and protocols."

Yuen Kuan Moon,
Group CEO,

Mr Yuen Kuan Moon, Group Chief Executive Officer, Singtel said, “Emerging technologies such as Web3, metaverse and 3D communications have great potential for consumers and enterprises. But to catalyse innovation, we need to ensure that every player in the ecosystem – from mobile network operators and hyperscalers to individual developers – can access services and capabilities, and collaborate across a common framework of industry standards and protocols. With the support of our superior 5G network, edge computing capabilities and digital solutions available through a single platform, Paragon, developers and hyper scalers will be able to build innovative solutions, solve complex business challenges or scale their operations. Singtel is delighted to spearhead a more interconnected global mobile ecosystem with other global telco leaders and GSMA to enable new digital experiences for enterprises and consumers across Singapore and the region.”

Unlocking opportunities with a global framework

The GSMA Open Gateway Framework will connect digital service providers and mobile network operators across the world and foster the development of network APIs that are open, global and user-friendly for consumption by third-party developers and application providers.

Potential services that could be supported by the GSMA Open Gateway include autonomous vehicles, for example, supported by Edge Site Selection and Routing API; fleet management and incident reporting with Verify Location API; combat financial crime with SIM Swap API; and drones, robotics and immersive online gaming, with Quality on Demand API. Other CAMARA-compliant APIs that will be available as a start include Device Status, Number Verification, Number Verification (SMS 2FA) and Carrier Billing.

Successful demonstration of seamless interoperability across markets

Singtel, in partnership with Bridge Alliance, have developed a Federated Edge Hub (FEH) which brings together 5G networks, multi-market MEC and cloud enabling application partners, developers and enterprise customers to discover and activate resources through a unified open API interface, including the adoption of GSMA Open Gateway API framework. The FEH also interconnects with other MEC federations, creating an expanded edge footprint, and removes the barriers to accessing edge resource across markets.

Singtel, Bridge Alliance, Advanced Info Service (AIS) and Summit Tech recently successfully demonstrated an edge-to-edge interconnection across telecom operators in different markets, validated through a 360-degree interactive livestreaming use case. The trial involved users watching a live music performance in Montreal broadcast in 8K to audiences in Bangkok and Singapore through their smartphones and headsets. With the success of this trial and the development of new APIs, innovative commercial use cases that leverage edge-to-edge interactions in multiple markets can be unlocked easier and automated locally and globally at a faster rate.

For more information on the above announcement, visit GSMA Open Gateway frameworkSingtel 5G Enterprise, and Bridge Alliance FEH trial.
