Acer neoTouch and beTouch E100, exclusive to Singtel customers
Next generation Windows® Mobile touchscreen interface supports hundreds of Microsoft-certified mobile apps
, 9 October 2009 – Singtel and Acer today jointly announced the Singapore launch of Acer’s first Windows phones, Acer neoTouch and beTouch E100, exclusive to Singtel customers from 17 October 2009. They will be among the first in the world to enjoy both smartphones, which run the new Windows Mobile 6.5.
These two phones will be the first of Acer’s second generation 2009 models to be launched inSingapore. The devices continue Acer’s goal to break down the barrier between technology and people, and form a cornerstone in the company’s strategy towards becoming a leader in the ‘mobility market’.
“The neoTouch is Acer’s flagship smartphone model of 2009 and will spearhead our highly anticipated range of devices that will be launched in the fourth quarter,” said Mr Roger Yuen, Vice President Asia Pacific, Smart Handheld Business Group of Acer Inc. “We are very excited about this partnership with Singtel. With neoTouch's powerful 1GHz processor, we see this as a perfect fit for Singtel's customers who want a mobile device that can meet their need for speed and real-time internet access. The other device we are launching exclusively with Singtel is the beTouch E100. This device is a great, intuitive smartphone that allows people to network with their friends on Facebook, Flickr and Instant Messaging. It is the perfect device for the young who are tech savvy and demand connectivity with their contacts on the go.”
He added, “We are confident that the neoTouch and beTouch E100 will be highly appealing to tech-savvy Singtel customers who are looking to upgrade from a feature phone.”
He added, “We are confident that the neoTouch and beTouch E100 will be highly appealing to tech-savvy Singtel customers who are looking to upgrade from a feature phone.”
"We are pleased to partner Acer on this exclusive launch of the latest Windows phones. The next generation features like My Phone syncing service and Windows Marketplace for Mobile, coupled with its high-speed processor will allow our customers to enjoy an integrated and richer mobile experience, similar to that on a PC,” said Mr Shane Da Silva, Singtel’s Vice President of Consumer Sales.
“In addition, customers will enjoy a differentiated and hassle-free Windows phone experience with Singtel’s one-stop Windows Mobile Support where they can call a centralised hotline forenquiries and assistance. With Singtel’s MobileM@il Exchange service, bundled with 1GB data and PHONESafe security service, customers can have peace-of-mind while surfing to their heart’s content,” added Mr Da Silva.
Pricing, availability and promotions
Customers who purchase any of the two phones will enjoy the following:
- Sign up for MobileM@il Exchange 1GB at $9.95/ month* (50 percent discount off normal subscription of $19.90/month). The data plan comes with 1GB of bundled data, allowing customers to surf the Internet and access their emails on-the-go affordably. MobileM@il Exchange customers will also enjoy free access to PHONESafe service, a mobile phone security solution that allows customers to lock their handsets and backup important data remotely.
- Customers who purchase the phones with any of Singtel’s Youth plans will enjoy free IM on Mobile for 12 months, PHONESafe for 6 months and 50 per cent discount for BroadBand on Mobile Plus (1GB) (normal subscription is $19.90/month). This is on top of the youth perks of Free Unlimited SMS (to any service provider) and Free Camp / Campus Calls.
neoTouch and beTouch E100 will be available for pre-ordering at from 10 October, Saturday. Both phones will be sold island-wide from 17 October 2009 at Singtel Shops, hello! stores, selected Singtel Exclusive retailers and its online store,
About Acer neoTouch
The Acer neoTouch is an iconic product that brings together performance and style. The flagship Acer smartphone promises high speed Internet connectivity and processing – providing a full PC experience on a mobile handset. It runs on the new Windows Mobile 6.5 platform which was officially unveiled on 7 October, and the Qualcomm Snapdragon chip which allows for up-to-double processing speed over current industry standards. It is anticipated to be a leader in the Windows phone arena and is a fully touch-operated smartphone that will provide seamless user-experience.
The neoTouch will appeal to the top range of smartphone users who want a light and convenient device that can function seamlessly as a PC (Personal Computer), employing both leisure and business applications. Pragmatic users who value a reliable smartphone that is effective and efficient, will also be attracted to the neoTouch, particularly for its ability to access and manipulate word processing and spreadsheet applications.
About Acer beTouch E100
The beTouch E100, also known as the ‘C1’, will appeal to both feature phone users looking to upgrade to a smartphone, and customers looking for a fresh and bold design. With a variety of colours to choose from, the beTouch E100 features a large touch screen with Acer’s intuitive user interface, a whooping 3.2” touch screen and a 5-way navigation wheel.
The beTouch E100 comes in white, and customers can choose battery covers that come in lime green, red or pink to further personalize their phones. This phone will be especially appealing for the youth who want a smartphone that is trendy and easy to use.
Photos of the Acer neoTouch and the Acer beTouch E100 are available at
* A 12-month contract applies.