Singapore, 18 August 2015 – Singtel has been named Singapore’s most well-governed and transparent company in the 2015 Governance and Transparency Index (GTI), released today (18 August).
Singtel tops a total of 639 SGX-listed companies on the annual index jointly published by CPA Australia and the NUS Business School's Centre for Governance, Institutions and Organisations.
Singtel was lauded for consistently upholding high corporate governance standards such as engaging professional consulting firms to independently evaluate remuneration packages for directors and key management, as well as disclosing the detailed policy on payment dividends.
“We’re very pleased to be named Singapore’s most well-governed and transparent company,” said Singtel Group CEO, Ms Chua Sock Koong. “Singtel has always been committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and transparency, driven by an acute sense of responsibility to our stakeholders and shareholders. We believe proper disclosure makes it easier for them to link compensation and performance, which is fundamental to delivering sustainable performance and long-term value creation.”
Singtel scored a total of 118 points, inching up a spot from a year ago to take poll position.