29 Jul 2020

News Release

Singtel celebrates the Majulah spirit with National Day film

  • Branding

Singapore, 29 July 2020 – Singtel today launched its annual National Day film tribute, celebrating the Singapore spirit of tenacity and perseverance as the country navigates its way through the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19.  Titled, ‘This is the year’, the film acknowledges the pressures and strains that the pandemic has placed on Singapore society, but pays tribute to the indefatigable Majulah spirit that is propelling Singaporeans through the storm to emerge stronger.

“The way Singaporeans have responded to this crisis is something we can all be proud of,” says Chua Sock Koong, Singtel’s Group CEO. “Our coming together as a community, our discipline as a nation, our fortitude and quiet determination to get through this and get on with life has become even more pronounced as National Day approaches. We may be celebrating in a more muted way this year without the usual fanfare, but our national pride and core values are still the same, the Singapore spirit is stronger than ever and we want to celebrate that.”

The 2-minute photo montage begins as a tender survey of the Singapore landscape when the new normal kicked in, moving starkly from one empty public space to another, from playgrounds to hawker centers to void decks and the prospect of having to forego much-loved annual events such as the F1 and the National Day Parade.

“It’s been a difficult time for everyone and the film captures this dislocation and sense of displacement, ” says Lian Pek, Vice President of Group Strategic Communications and Brand at Singtel. “But what starts off as a reflection on the things we are having to give up this year becomes an invitation to see the good that has come out of the crisis. Despite the restrictions on movement, disruptions to daily life, and cancelled events, the closing photos in the film show that Singaporeans have gained even more important things in return.”

The film features photos by eminent photographers Aik Beng Chia, Nicky Loh and Tay Kay Chin as well as from members of the public. Conceptualised in-house and produced in collaboration with Akanga Film Asia and narrated by veteran actor Lim Kay Tong, the video will air on Singtel TV and hosted on various social media channels from 29 July 2020.

View the video here: https://youtu.be/coJex3qQn0I