03 Aug 2016

News Release

Singtel tops Singapore Governance and Transparency Index for second year running

  • Awards
  • Diversity

Singapore, 3 August, 2016 – Singtel has been named Singapore’s most well-governed and transparent company in the Singapore Governance and Transparency Index (SGTI) 2016 released today by CPA Australia, NUS Business School's Centre for Governance, Institutions and Organisations and the Singapore Institute of Directors.

Singtel topped a total of 631 SGX-listed companies on the annual index for the second consecutive year for its robust disclosure of board responsibilities, exact executive remuneration and stakeholder engagement.

Ms Chua Sock Koong, Singtel Group CEO, said, “We are honoured to be named Singapore’s most well-governed and transparent company. Singtel firmly believes strong governance and transparency are critical to delivering sustainable performance and long-term value creation for our stakeholders. This recognition is an affirmation of our commitment to continuously raise the bar on our corporate governance practices.” 

The SGTI is an enhanced version of the Governance and Transparency Index based on guidelines from the Singapore Code of Governance 2012 and G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. Companies were assessed on board responsibilities, rights of shareholders, accountability and audit, disclosure and conduct as well as a new section on engagement of stakeholders.
