30 Jan 2018

News Release

Singtel unveils enhanced ZoneAlarm mobile security app as cyber risks rise

  • Cyber Security

Singapore, 30 January 2018 – Singtel has launched an enhanced version of ZoneAlarm with advanced capabilities to combat cyber threats and other emerging vulnerabilities amid the growing prevalence of cyber security risks. This includes a new anti-SMS phishing feature which alerts users to potentially harmful website links that are circulated via text messages.

The award-winning ZoneAlarm detects unsafe Wi-Fi networks and alerts smartphone users of known mobile malware. The launch of the enhanced mobile security app is especially timely given that at least 70% of users have not installed security apps in their smartphones, according to Singtel’s Mobile Threat Intelligence Survey[1].

While 68 percent of the survey respondents are aware of the risks of malware attacks on their smart phones, more than half still log onto public Wi-Fi hotspots without first checking if they are secured and safe to use. This makes them vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and other threats which could give hackers access to sensitive data such as passwords, logins, banking details and even personal photos. The impact could be especially damaging as mobile commerce becomes increasingly popular.

Ms Diana Chen, Singtel’s Vice President of Mobile Marketing, said: “With the recent discovery of KRACK, Meltdown and Spectre, we see how important it is for everyone to safeguard their mobile devices. New malicious apps, viruses and vulnerabilities are constantly emerging at an alarming rate. ZoneAlarm alerts customers of potential vulnerabilities. The app helps to reduce cyber security risks when they use their smartphones for mobile banking, online shopping and Internet surfing.”

Singtel customers can subscribe to ZoneAlarm at a discounted price of just S$2 per month.

For more information, visit mobileprotection.singtel.com





[1] Singtel surveyed about 2,000 mobile customers from 17 October 2017 to 11 November 2017.