Singapore, 27 April 2010 – Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) announced today it has won the prestigious Seatrade Asia Award for Technical Innovation for the second time. Singtel won the 2010 award for a technological breakthrough that allows vessels to receive high-speed broadband services via existing shipboard communications equipment, such as conventional satellite TV antennas.
The solution, named the BigValue Maritime Broadband Solution, allows maritime companies to potentially reap savings of up to US$120,000 in infrastructure costs per vessel. Customers can enjoy unlimited 2Mbps connectivity at a price lower than most broadband offerings in the market today. By making maritime broadband more affordable than ever, the solution enables businesses with limited resources to improve productivity, simplify operations and enhance crew welfare through ICT applications such as broadband internet access, email, video conferencing and voice calls.
Mr Bill Chang, Singtel’s Executive Vice President of Business Group, said: “We are delighted to receive this award which once again recognises Singtel’s efforts in rejuvenating the maritime industry through innovation.
“With our breakthrough solution, shipping companies can enjoy the benefits of infocomm technologies (ICT) without heavy upfront capital investments in satellite broadband equipment and ongoing maintenance and manpower costs.”
Singtel won the inaugural award in 2008 for developing the world’s first 1.5m C-Band stabilised satellite antenna. Since its launch, this innovation has allowed sea-going vessels and offshore rigs around the world to enjoy broadband connectivity at a lower cost and smaller infrastructure footprint than a traditional 2.4-metre C-band antenna.
The independent judging panel for the award includes highly respected industry experts. Submissions are evaluated according to their contribution to the advancement of the regional maritime industry through innovation, business achievements, and commitment to safety, personnel development and social and environmental responsibilities.
Mr Chang said: “Singtel is committed to developing and shaping the maritime sector. By accelerating innovation in the industry, we aim to transform the way our customers operate and allow them to take their businesses to new heights.”