Singtel’s new satellite solutions give maritime industry a boost
AITrac global tracking solution monitors assets and personnel on sea and land
Collaborative Networking solution enables remote shipboard equipment troubleshooting
Powerful iMonitor maritime VSAT network management solution unveiled
, 20 April 2009 – Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) today announced it has launched three innovative broadband-based satellite Infocomm Technology (ICT) solutions for the maritime industry: Singtel AITrac asset tracking solution, Collaborative Networking remote maintenance solution and iMonitor VSAT network management solution.
Singtel AITrac tracking solution
Singtel AITrac is a cutting-edge global satellite tracking solution that allows maritime and logistics companies to accurately monitor the real time location and status of ships, cargo containers, equipment and other fixed and mobile assets. Using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, the solution provides companies with peace of mind by enabling them to keep tight control of their assets.
Compact satellite tracking devices are attached to assets to allow users to closely monitor their movements. The system can be configured to trigger SMS and email alerts whenever assets are moved out of a user-defined ‘safe zone’, thus notifying the command centre of a possible security breach. The tracking devices are equipped with motion sensors to warn users of other security breaches such as an open cargo container door.
The solution can also be used to monitor the location and status of employees who engage in mobile field operations and high-risk activities such as deep sea oil exploration. This is possible through a wearable personal tracking device that can send distress signals and call for assistance. In an emergency, the solution can provide workers with a vital communications lifeline.
Singtel AITrac is supported by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)’s Maritime Innovation and Technology (MINT) fund programme and uses Globalstar’s low earth orbit satellite network for the transmission of telemetry data.
Collaborative Networking and iMonitor solution
The Collaborative Networking solution is a powerful tool that enables maritime companies to remotely monitor and troubleshoot shipboard ICT equipment such as routers, servers and computers via satellite broadband connections.
With this solution, maritime companies need not dispatch a team of engineers onsite to resolve equipment failures. Users can diagnose and quickly rectify faults remotely via a secure and user-friendly web portal. This results in substantial cost savings and faster recovery times.
The solution also serves as a multimedia online collaboration tool that supports multi-party video and voice conference calls, file sharing and instant messaging.
Singtel has also unveiled its iMonitor network management system for maritime Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services. This enables maritime companies to closely monitor the performance of their satellite communications links via a web portal. Users can monitor real-time network performance parameters such as throughput and latency.
Mr Titus Yong, Singtel’s Vice President of Satellite, said: “Increasingly, maritime companies are turning to next generation satellite services, such as Singtel’s global maritime VSAT solution, to enjoy faster unlimited broadband connectivity at sea.
“Singtel is committed to helping our customers do more with their maritime broadband connections through innovative ICT solutions that extend land-based applications to the ship. Our solutions will allow maritime companies to reduce costs, improve productivity and enhance the lives of their employees.