Help123, a one-stop cyber wellness info resource for parents
Busy parents who have no time to look up information relating to cyber wellness of their children now have access to everything they need at
Parents get up-to-date information on topical cyber issues such as fake news, and can also arm themselves with knowledge on the various cyber issues their children may face – cyber bullying, gaming, mobile technology and device addiction, access to inappropriate content, social media etiquette and protection of personal information online.
First launched as a notanoobie mobile app in July 2014, we have transformed it into a user friendly one-stop website - Help123 that parents can easily access at home, work and on the move. It helps parents to better appreciate and understand the digital space – both the benefits and pitfalls – that their children are engaging in. Help123 gives parents the knowledge and confidence to educate and guide their children to become responsible netizens and protect themselves from possible online dangers.
Visit Singtel Surf School for services that can help concerned parents supervise their kids online while keeping their devices safe, productive and fun.