House Style
House Style

House Style




Mixed Media on Paper



Tan Chin Chin (b. 1966) has developed her House Style series of artworks over the years of her career. She is interested in the intersections of culture and religion, which is expressed in her art through her use of textile collage, begun in the 1990s. In this 1995 work, Tan uses the architectonic forms and designs from ready textiles with collage from variously coloured papers. These are assembled with hand colouring in layers to create shifting planes of colour and texture.

Tan has continued to create works in this series, developing deeper layers of colours and strengthening on some of the design elements. These reflect the cultural elements of traditional Singapore. Her works appear to be influenced by the abstract collages of Goh Beng Kwan.  

Tan trained at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Applied Arts, and later  did a Masters degree at Parsons, New York (1996-98). She now lives and practices as an artist in the United States of America.