In this contemporary batik painting, Tzee, as Sarkasi signs himself, makes an abstract floral design. The flowing shapes of colour vary between hand-textured, geometric and amorphous forms. A pleasing colour palette is used to bind the design together. Sarkasi has used two colour systems in this work. The graphic elements are in soga brown and gold, based on traditional batik colours and design motifs. Underlying this is a translucent pastel coloured wash. These well-executed textile works are colourful and decorative, in the spirit of textile art.
There is a related work by Sarkasi Rhythm No 9 in the Singtel collection, as well as Purple Flower, also a batik painting, possibly produced around the same time. These textile pieces may be compared with Cristene Chang Hoei’s Weaving series, a set of silkscreen prints on paper that are inspired by Asian textiles.