Man-Nature in Harmony - Mohammed Sultan Road

Man-Nature in Harmony - Mohammed Sultan Road
Man-Nature in Harmony - Mohammed Sultan Road

Man-Nature in Harmony - Mohammed Sultan Road




Oil on Canvas



Teo Kim Liong often posits a search for inner balance and peace through his artworks. His paintings portray quietude, yet there is often a sense of the unease of an opposite nature at play. In this work, Teo adroitly exploits the scene of a row of deteriorating houses. Broken shutters and rubbish become the status quo where nature has taken over the buidlings.

There is a large body of landscape art in Singapore by local artists. The art of the landscape has been popular in part due to the need to document the swiftly changing faces of the city. The old houses of Singapore embody much that is nostalgic and also sentimental in the city's soul.

Also in the Singtel collection is a painting with similar subject by Tiong Tian Tong, Scenery (1991). Another artwork by Teo Kim Liong in the Singtel collection is Rest Day in Quayside I - Singapore Port (1997).