




Oil on Canvas



There is a large body of landscape art in Singapore by local artists. The art of the landscape has been popular in part due to the need to document the swiftly changing faces of the city. The old houses of Singapore embody much that is nostalgic and also sentimental in the city's soul. As a young artist, Tiong was one of those who sought out languishing buildings and forgotten corners to document in his paintings. Often drawing en plein air, he completed the oil works in his studio.  This 1991 oil painting by Tiong Tian Tong was done in the  year before he went to Beijing for his formal art training. The painting is heavily layered with deep and brilliant colours in an effort to emphasise the architecture and overgrown foliage. 

Also in the Singtel collection is a painting with similar subject by Teo Kim Liong, Man - Nature in Harmony - Mohammed Sultan Road (1999).

There are several more drawings and paintings by Tiong Tian Tong in the Singtel collection, including Beijing Alley (1999, watercolour), Street Scene 1 (1987), Street Scene 2 (1987), Feeding - Kim Yam Road (1987) and Wayang (1989), all ink and wash works.