Key takeaways

• Companies must see the pursuit for sustainability as an operational process rather than just a feel-good message

• Well-defined sustainability goals are key to building brand love and confidence among investors and customers

• Be wary of legal implications – stay up to date on the latest legislation to ensure undisrupted operations

• Utilise reputable frameworks and ensuring progress is measurable will go a long way to gain credibility

Companies that were perceived to be greenwashing can expect customer satisfaction levels to drop by up to 2.4%¹.

Avoid the risk of greenwashing

Method, not message

Actions, solutions and reporting are first steps to building ESG value



Ensure compliance criteria is met


Open and honest

Data is king to tracking and achieving sustainability goals


Frameworks and carbon impact

Gain accreditation while ensuring carbon impact is measurable


Start with the method, not the message

While 86% of companies have a sustainability strategy, only 35% claim that the strategy is in progress.

Be open and honest

Be ahead of legislation changes

Remember to include scopes 2 and 3

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