XS / S / M / L / Pro / Platinum Plans T&Cs

What are the XS / S / M / L / Pro / Platinum Plans?

The XS / S / M / L / Pro / Platinum Plans are Mobile Plans with the benefits as listed under this Clause.


Customers who sign up for M / L / Pro / Platinum Mobile Plans shall activate GPRS to use the roaming benefits as set out below.

Mobile Plan Roaming Data provided per month
M Plan 1 GB
L Plan 2 GB
Pro Plan 3 GB
Platinum Plan 30 GB
column 2 header
Mobile Plan
Roaming Data provided per month
M Plan
1 GB
L Plan
2 GB
Pro Plan
3 GB
Platinum Plan
30 GB

Auto-Subscription to DataRoam Unlimited Daily Plus or Enterprise Auto DataRoam

(a) XS / S Plans are bundled with Auto-Subscription to DataRoam Unlimited Daily Plus. DataRoam Unlimited Daily Plus plan subscription rates and terms and conditions apply (see Clause 7.1(d1) of Section C). M / L / Pro / Platinum Plans are bundled with Enterprise Auto DataRoam Monthly Recurring Plan. Enterprise Auto DataRoam Monthly Recurring Plan rates and terms and conditions apply (see Clause 7.1(g) of Section C).

(b) Your roaming data usage will be deducted in the following order (where applicable): (i) the bundled roaming data under the M/L/Pro/Platinum plan; (ii) DataRoam Unlimited Daily Plus plan or Enterprise Auto DataRoam plan (as applicable) for the days subscribed and (iii) the roaming data under other data roaming plans.

(c) In the event that you unsubscribe from DataRoam Unlimited Daily Plus, Enterprise Auto DataRoam or any other data roaming plans, our prevailing standard per-pay-use rates shall apply for any data roaming usage.

Platinum Mobile Plans

Platinum Mobile Plans are bundled with free monthly subscription to DATA X Infinity which provides unlimited local data, subject to DATA X’s terms and conditions and Fair Usage Policy (i.e. when your monthly data usage exceeds 50GB on top of (i) the 300GB data allocated under the Platinum Mobile Plan and (ii) other data add-ons, such customer’s data speed will be set at 1Mbps). For the avoidance of doubt, subscription to DATA X Infinity will automatically terminate when you terminate your subscription to the Platinum Plan.