
Collaborate with ease

Plane icon

View, edit and share files with colleagues in real-time.

Easy access anytime, anywhere

Plane icon

Access and create documents on different devices, online or offline. Files are updated once you go online.

Always available

Calendar icon

Microsoft 365 comes with a 99.9% guaranteed uptime service level agreement.


Office on any device

Tablet icon

Access Microsoft 365 applications on the devices you use most: your notebook, tablet or smartphone.

Space for your files

Package icon

Enjoy 1TB of OneDrive for online and offline access to your files wherever you go.

The latest and best version, always

Thumbs up icon

Enjoy the latest version of Microsoft 365 applications without the need to upgrade every few years.

Advanced Security

Advanced security

Protect users against malware and outside threats with comprehensive endpoint protection

Device Management

Device management

Intelligent mobility management and security platform that manages user access, device use and application data across your company

Price plans

The Singtel Difference

Enjoy these benefits when you sign up for Microsoft 365 with Singtel.


Single bill

Single bill

Consolidate all your Singtel services bills for easy management

Dedicated helpdesk

Dedicated helpdesk

Exclusive local helpdesk phone and email support

Exclusive invites

Exclusive invites

Invitation to business events and workshops

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