Shield your business from digital vulnerabilities

In today's digital landscape, businesses face evolving cyber threats, from sophisticated phishing schemes to vulnerabilities in digital infrastructure.
Safeguarding your digital presence on all platforms is more crucial than ever.

Singtel Digital Risk Protection (DRP) is a comprehensive suite of solutions that lets you identify and monitor digital risks across online platforms and channels. Proactively manage your digital risks to ensure a secure online footprint, wherever your business takes you.

The core of Singtel Digital Risk Protection

External Attack Surface Management (EASM)
External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

This platform provides a holistic view of your Internet-facing landscape, offering insights from an attacker's perspective. It aids in identifying, monitoring, and managing your digital footprint beyond your network perimeter, including the deep and dark webs. By actively scanning for vulnerabilities and hunting down Internet-facing assets, it empowers your security team to stay ahead of cyber threats.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM)
External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Digital Brand Security

This powerful tool employs advanced algorithms to detect various threats like social media impersonation, phishing scams, and fraudulent apps posing as your brand. It continuously monitors the web for malicious activities, enabling swift action to safeguard your brand trust and value. With Digital Brand Security, you can proactively defend your brand identity, mitigate potential infringements, counterfeits and online fraud, all to protect brand reputation.

Elevate brand security with cyber intelligence


Extensively examines brand risks and strategies, alleviating potential threats to your organisation​


Regularly curates findings and recommends actions based on your organisation’s industry and environment


Quick turnaround and wide-scale insight collection, by global intelligence experts


State-of-the-art technology and award-winning security services, managed by certified threat analysts


Asia Communications Awards

Cyber Security Award – MDR (2021)
Cyber Security Award – MSS (2020)
Cyber Safe Award – MSS (2018)

AiSP The Cybersecurity Awards

MNC (Vendor) Category

Asian Telecom Awards

Cybersecurity Initiative
of the Year (SG)

Frost & Sullivan APAC
Best Practices Awards

Singapore Managed Security
Service Provider of the Year

Frost & Sullivan APAC
Best Practices Awards

SEA Managed Security Service
Provider of the Year

Frost & Sullivan
Best Practices Awards

Singapore Cybersecurity Services
Company of the Year