
Welcome to The Dot.

A curated collection of stories about how ordinary Singaporeans use connectivity and technology in extraordinary ways. Discover tips & tricks on entertainment, travel, wellness, finance and much more — be inspired to live every moment to the fullest! Because with Singtel, you can.

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Next-Gen Wi-Fi Tech: What Is Wi-Fi 6 And How It Can Support Your Modern Lifestyle NeedsShare
Feb 2021 | Vulcan Post
What Is Wi-Fi 6 And How It Can Support Your Modern Lifestyle
Wi-Fi 6 allows users to enjoy maximum productivity while working from home, and uninterrupted entertainment during downtimes.
Unlocking the future with Singtel 5GShare
Nov 2020 | Channel News Asia
Unlocking the future with Singtel 5G
5G is here and everyone’s talking about it. In fact, the buzz around this cellular network technology emerged before the industry has finalised the standard and has only gotten louder by the day. Why?
Pro Gamer Singtel WiFiShare
Oct 2020 | Mothership
Every gamer should have their own dedicated WiFi network
There is a saying: A slow Internet connection is worse than no Internet connection. What can gamers do to make sure other family members using WiFi will not interfere with their gaming experience?

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