- Amenities may vary depending on the lounge.
- For a Single Trip Pass, each policyholder is entitled to four (4) Flight Delay Lounge Passes. You may register up to four (4) individual flights (with separate flight numbers), or up to four (4) different individuals.
- For an Annual Trip Pass, each policyholder is entitled to twenty-five (25) Flight Delay Lounge Passes. You may register up to twenty-five (25) individual flights (with separate flight numbers), or up to twenty-five (25) different individuals.
- You will be eligible for the lounge pass when the following conditions have been met:
- You have registered the flight prior to your actual departure.
- A delay of 60 minutes or more is announced for your flight. The delay can be announced in one go, or cumulative from a series of shorter delays.
- Access to a lounge which is part of the LoungeKey™ network is available at your airport terminal when the delay occurs.
For more information, please visit https://fdp.mastercard.com/faq/ST60.