Install eSIM on device

Make sure you have stable internet connection first before you start with installation.

Using a tablet? Install your eSIM via QR code.

Installing via My Singtel App

1. Open your eSIM email in the mobile device you want to install your eSIM in.

Open your eSIM email in the mobile device you want to install your eSIM in – Singtel eSIM

2. Scroll down to "Step 2: Install your eSIM" and click on "Install eSIM" button.

Scroll down to “Step 2: Install your eSIM” and click on “Install eSIM” button – Singtel eSIM

3. You'll be directed to My Singtel App loading screen with your unique eSIM code.

You’ll be directed to My Singtel App loading screen with your unique eSIM code – Singtel eSIM

4. Follow the steps to install your eSIM.

Follow the steps on the screen to install your eSIM – Singtel eSIM

5. Tap Continue to start eSIM installation.

Tap “Continue” to start eSIM installation – Singtel eSIM

Wait for the process to complete – Singtel eSIM

Wait for the process to complete – Singtel eSIM

If you're stuck on this screen, learn more about possible reasons why.

6. Label your new eSIM (device-dependant).

If you already have an existing SIM in your device, you'll see the option to label your mobile lines. Give your new eSIM a name so you can identify it.

Important to note: Your current SIM will show up on the top, while your new eSIM will show up at the bottom.

Label your new eSIM – Singtel eSIM

Label your new eSIM – Singtel eSIM

7. Choose your default mobile line.

Tap on the line you want to set as your default. This will be the number you make calls and send texts from. Then, tap Continue.

Choose your default mobile line – Singtel eSIM

8. Choose which mobile line you want to use with iMessage and FaceTime.

Tap on the number you want to use iMessage and FaceTime with. You can choose either or both numbers. Then tap Continue.

Choose which mobile line to use with iMessage and FaceTime – Singtel eSIM

9. Choose which mobile line you want to use for mobile data.

Tap on the number you want to use for mobile data. Then, tap Continue.

Choose which mobile line to use for mobile data – Singtel eSIM

10. You should see this page once you're done setting up your eSIM. If you want to change your default line settings in the future, you can find it in device settings: Settings > Mobile Service.

Make sure your new eSIM is toggled On.

You should see this page once you're done setting up your eSIM – Singtel eSIM

11. Once eSIM is installed, you'll see the "eSIM installed" page in My Singtel App.

Once eSIM is installed, you'll see the “eSIM installed” page in My Singtel App – Singtel eSIM

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